Portlethen Funeral Directors

Funeral Directors for Portlethen

We are available to look after funeral arrangements in Portlethen and surrounding areas whether for  traditional funeral services or non-attended, direct cremation which takes place locally.  We can be contacted day or night whether for immediate assistance, help or advice.  With our funeral home on Abbotswell Crescent, Aberdeen, Kincorth, we are well placed to provide full funeral home facilities nearby.

For those looking to pre-arrange their funeral, we can discuss our full services with you in person, or you can look at options to buy a plan online on this site.

Similarly, for families who have previously purchased funeral plans, we can be requested to take over the plan where the plan provider is not available in Portlethen, or if you have moved into the area. (Please contact your plan provider to discuss this possibility).

Banchory Cemetery
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