Direct Cremation

Direct, non-attended cremation

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Local dignified cremation
24 hour local telephone service 
Your wishes - Your way

 A simple "no-fuss" Direct Cremation service to suit your wishes

Direct Cremation, often known as Non-attended Cremation or Pure Cremation, has become more common in recent years.  This may be for personal, financial or religious reasons.  Often it is simply because someone does not want what they consider to be a "fuss" around their funeral.  It may be that family wish to sperate the funeral ceremony or celebration of life from the actual time and place of cremation. 

At Mark Shaw Funeral Services, we were early to see this change and have always provided a cost effective simple cremation service for those who wish direct cremation. There is of course no legal requirement to have any funeral ceremony.  For some families it is a way to separate the practical role of cremation, perhaps from a family farewell on another occasion in a suitable location. 

Upon request from our client, direct cremation involves our transferring someone from their place of death to our funeral home, care and dressing, documentation for the crematorium, advice on registration, provision of a simple coffin and transfer to Aberdeen Crematorium at the appointed time.  Cremated remains (ashes) can be available from the following day either from the crematorium, one of our offices or as otherwise arranged.  All aspects of this service are provided with all our usual levels of care and dignity using our regular vehicle fleet and mortuary facilities here in Aberdeen. 

Should you wish to choose an urn, casket, scatter tube, or "ashes into glass" item for the ashes, we can arrange this. 

Some points we feel are important about our approach to direct cremation and the service we offer. 

1.  We carry out all our cremations here locally at Aberdeen Crematorium, Hazlehead (or Baldarroch Crematorium if preferred).  This may not be the case with some nationally advertised providers.  We can have ashes available from the following day onwards. 

2.  We will tell you when the cremation is due to take place.  Family may well wish even to pause and take time to reflect at the agreed time, even though no funeral ceremony is being held. 

3.  Although you may not wish any ceremony, it can be particularly important for family to have an opportunity to say their own goodbye  at our funeral home / rest rooms if this is agreed. 

4.  You may still have some personal wishes.  Perhaps to be dressed in your own clothes, choosing a specific coffin, taken on a specific route to the crematorium, remain in the family home for a time, or anything else that is important to you. 

5.  As local funeral directors, we provide a full 24 hour service.  Should you pass away at home, perhaps at night or the weekend, a firm providing direct cremation but not operating in Aberdeen is unlikely to be able to respond and remove you from your home.

6.  If at any point during the arranging process you feel that Direct Cremation is not the right option, you are free to ask us to change arrangements should you wish.

To arrange a direct cremation, the death must be Registered in the usual way.  We can meet you by appointment in our office to complete the cremation application document and discuss any other wishes you have. Should you so wish, the cremation application form can be downloaded here for your completion, signatures and return to us. 

Our standard at need direct-cremation fee is from £1395.00.  This includes the Aberdeen City cremation charge, provision of a simple coffin, documentation, care and transfer of deceased.  Where viewing, out of hours response or any other variations are required, we will advise of any cost implications.  We ask that all direct cremation services are paid for in advance of final confirmation.  (Please visit our Pre-Paid Plan page if you are planning ahead for your own arrangements.)


"Dear Mark, on behalf of the family, with a heartfelt thanks to you Mark, and Anne-Marie and the rest of your caring staff. For the care given to William, with dignity and simplicity, may God bless you all in the caring professional work that you do."

Milne Family

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