We are available to look after funeral arrangements in Banchory and Deeside whether for traditional funeral services or non-attended, direct cremation. We can be contacted day or night whether for immediate assistance, help or advice. Distance no object.
Working throughout Aberdeenshire, we often arrange funerals at Baldarroch Crematorium, Crathes and through our work for many years with Aberdeenshire Council and Police Scotland, we are regularly called upon to look after individuals and families within Banchory and throughout Deeside.
Similarly, for families who have previously purchased funeral plans, we can be requested to take over the plan where the plan provider is no longer represented in Banchory. (Please contact your plan provider to discuss this possibility).
Mark in fact began his funeral career in Banchory working with Chivas A. Webster after leaving school. Upon sale of the firm in 1992, then on The High Street, Banchory, Mark transferred to continue his career in Aberdeen.